Monday, September 9, 2013

Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia...Don't Fall In Love.

And then it happened. 

"In an incredibly rare twist of fate, a married couple in the UK have had their marriage annulled after discovering that they were in fact twins separated at birth. The pair apparently had no idea they were related, though felt an “inevitable attraction” that brought them together."
“And if you don’t know you are biologically related to someone, you may become attracted to them and tragedies like this may occur.”
According to adoption officials in the UK, one of the biggest problems is the way in which human beings are naturally and instinctively drawn towards those they are similar to and share traits with. The west has a generally severe attitude toward incest which is considered abhorrent by most, but once the family tie is removed from the equation the attraction felt between related individuals can be completely overwhelming.
The fact that this particular case represents an extraordinary twist of fate is therefore considered irrelevant – adopted children must for their own wellbeing [sic] be made aware of their family trees.

Uh, YEAH.  Now, I can't fault the poor man for not having force powers to "sense" his own sister, but I can criticize this pomo idea that people don't have histories that need to be taken into account for.  If for nothing else than to prevent marrying your own twin sister, men and women of adoption need to know at the very least who their siblings are.

Yes, what happened to this brother and sister is exceedingly rare and not to be feared as a sign of an impending epidemic of accidental marriages to one's siblings.  Unless... fertilization with anonymous sperm donation artificially increases the chances of these kinds of things happening.  Oh yes, it could happen again.  As my friend and president of the Center For Bioethics and Culture Network, Jennifer Lahl, has pointed out, how long until we see accidental romances (and/or marriages if not caught in time) with men and women born from sperm donation?  In her documentary "Anonymous Father's Day" you know this must be a pressing question especially among the single adults who were born from sperm donors.  It is not unusual for the same sperm donor to be the father of several dozen biological half-siblings.  All this to say that all this reproductive tech is, like, toadally awesome...until someone marries his sister.

Ah, so this story reminds me of a movie and a theme song America might have heard of once upon a time a galaxy far, far away.
"Join us, we know your sister;
Looks like you kissed her.
Don't fall in love."

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